Children's Sunday School

"I feel good when I enter the church, but I feel exceptional when I leave."
Worship Services
Worship service is held in our sanctuary on Sunday mornings at 10:30am. We also broadcast live on zoom. Please contact the church for the Zoom link.
Summer Worship services are held in our sanctuary on Sunday mornings at 10:30am. We also broadcast live on Zoom. Please contact the church for the link. On the last Sunday of the month we will worship outside in our Memorial Garden, weather permitting.

Advent & Christmas
Our church year starts with the anticipation of the birth of Christ. To prepare, we have a Hanging of the Greens service to help us remember what the different symbols and decorations mean for our celebration, everything from the evergreens to the poinsettias. The four weeks of Advent emphasize hope, peace, joy, and love as we wait for Christ to come, which we celebrate with candlelight worship on Christmas Eve at 4pm.
Christmas is a season, not a day, for us. We continue to sing Christmas carols and hear the messages about young Jesus through Epiphany, when the wise men arrive, on January 6.
Lent & Easter
This next major season in the church year allows us to look at the life of Christ and learn from his example. Following Christ isn’t what saves us; following Christ allows us to learn from the One who knows how to minister to our hurting world. Lent gives us an opportunity to deepen our discipleship, to take stock of who we are and our faithfulness to Christ, and renew our commitment to Him. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, when we place ashes on our foreheads to remind us that as sinful people we come from dust and belong to our great God who loves and cares for us all. The six weeks of Lent end with Holy Week, from Palm Sunday, celebrating Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, through His last supper with His disciples on Maundy Thursday, and His death on the cross Good Friday.
Easter Sunday dawns with bright rejoicing that God has triumphed over death by raising Jesus from the dead! We celebrate with service on Easter morning, @ 10:30 am. Easter is also a season, seven weeks of celebrating Christ’s resurrection and reading the stories of His appearances before His ascension back into heaven with God.

This church holiday celebrates the birth of the church thousands of years ago, when after Jesus’ ascension into heaven, the disciples began their ministry of preaching the word, and thousands became believers. We often sing “Happy Birthday” to the universal church and wear red for the Holy Spirit, who was sent by God on Pentecost to inspire and guide the church and its leaders.
Holding your Wedding at Fallston Presbyterian Church
Marriage is a covenant two people make together in the sight of God and within the fellowship of the church. Fallston Presbyterian welcomes couples who are looking for a place to grow in their faith and relationship with God and each other, and we are excited about the chance to not only host your wedding, but to nurture your family as the years go by. Please review our wedding policies found below, and call the church office with any questions or to make an appointment to meet with our pastor.

Marked As Christ’s Own Forever – Baptism at Fallston Presbyterian Church
Baptism is a true joy and a sure sign of God’s presence and love that we cherish here at Fallston Presbyterian. In baptism, Christian adults affirm their faith, and Christian parents affirm that God has already claimed their child, and promise to raise their child to know and feel the fullness of God. Parents also promise to ensure that their family remains part of the church, no matter where they go, so that the Christian community can nurture and share with the whole family. We at FPC take our promise to love and nurture each adult, child and family seriously and joyfully. With genuine warmth and caring, this church embraces each family which God entrusts to us. From the welcome of the child after the moment of baptism to childcare, Sunday School, preschool, children’s moments, mission projects, and so much more, the children who call FPC home find an invitation to live out the promise of their baptism by developing into the amazing people God calls them to be. From the welcome of an adult making his/her commitment to Christ to the opportunity to find their particular way to serve God, we help baptized adults find purpose and meaning in life by serving God daily in powerful ways.